[ Images are links to the original, full-size versions. ]
about StumbledOver...


Friday, October 17, 2008 | |

– http://www.birdcapemay.org/gallery/main.php?g2_view=core.DownloadItem&g2_itemId=4713&g2_serialNumber=2

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Thursday, October 16, 2008 | |

– http://www.core77.com/blog/images/todo.jpg

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Wednesday, October 15, 2008 | |

– http://photos.jpgmag.com/325173_100414_ee4da73649_p.jpg

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– http://www.brianw.co.za/ps/castle.jpg
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i don't like HDR pictures...
____there are exceptions to every rule.
Childhood dreams of castles?
____Automatic exceptions to any rule.


Tuesday, October 14, 2008 | |

- http://www.weddingpicturesweddingphotos.net/wedding-picture-photo-henna-mehndi-Riffat.jpg

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– http://www.melnitsa.net/chus/lj/lapp/lapp23.jpg

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Monday, October 13, 2008 | |

– http://www.prettybitter.com/v/vspfiles/photos/SP01-2.jpg

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– http://dogtranslater.com/images/dog_angel_devil.jpg

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Only one thing? This is gonna be hard....

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Sunday, October 12, 2008 | |

It's really just sort of a six-of-one/half-dozen-the-other thing
going on today (tho normally I hate HDR. Go figure!).

- http://www.thinking-picture.com/images/ominous_awakening_hdr.jpg

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- http://dl.ziza.ru/other/082007/21/pics/37_pics_112345.jpg
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StumbledOver is simply a collection of "stand-alone" images that have been discovered while innocently (I swear!) Stumbling the web... nothing more, nothing less. Some people really can't function without rules, tho, so... Voilá: rules there shall be!
The criteria for inclusion here are fairly simple:
  1. Each image "stands alone"- what was submitted to Stumble was the URL of an image file; when Stumbled, it's not part of a web page or gallery, and there is/was no explanatory text or caption;
  2. Each struck me as incongruent, maybe; unexpected, perhaps; definitely.... odd... somehow;
  3. They are non-pornographic; not that pornography can't be odd, mind you- no argument there, but that's a whole 'nother site entirely.

Regardless, images are included here mainly because of how they were submitted to Stumble - they aren't on StumbleUpon's list as a part of a web page or image gallery, but just themselves, lonely images floating solo and un-tethered through the Stumble links, popping up now and then all on their own...

And that, mi amigo, is pretty much that...